REHASH: Interview with the Vampire S2/E8. Louis’s revenge. A mention of Akasha.
July 1, 2024
Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac – Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, Episode 8 – Image Courtesy of AMC Network Entertainment LLC
Interview with The Vampire’s season two finale opens with a bang. Jacob Anderson proves again and again that he can masterfully recreate the emotion of Louis, along with invoking Brad Pitt’s cinematic portrayal. From the very beginning of the series, Anderson had the depth and emotion of the character, along with a mesh of the monotone and pining of the tragic vampire.
Season two has had some very interesting moments. Claudia’s (Delainey Hayles) turn as a Paris vampire forced to parade around like an eternal Shirley Temple. Madeleine’s (Roxane Duran) long-awaited appearance and the tragic sunrise that made the two dearly departed.

Delainey Hayles as Claudia, Roxane Duran as Madeleine, – Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC
Louis is buried alive (or as alive as an undead being can be) in a coffin surrounded by rocks, kept in a crypt wall.
He is very detailed describing how each jagged edge cuts into his legs or feet. Daniel Molloy asks if he can still feel the heaviness of those rocks in his feet, even as he sits hundreds of years later at the journalist’s table.

Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac, Eric Bogosian as Daniel Molloy and Assad Zaman as Armand – Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, Episode 8 – Image Courtesy of AMC Network Entertainment LLC
There are some heavy callbacks to the books and film, but also changes needed for the time shift.
- When Louis is pouring the gasoline over the coffins.
- The farmer’s hook to take Santiago down (which now is a machete.)
- The Paris theatre going up in flames.
- Armand and Louis ultimately splitting up.
- Daniel revealing that he is a vampire.

Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac – Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC
Louis counts nine vampires, noting later that dear Sam escaped to become a DJ in later years. Two are taken out on motorcycles, the rest perish in the fire…and then Santiago is saved for last.
Ultimately, Santiago’s (Ben Daniels) real name is Francis and he is more than a little pathetic when he was a human. Wanting to go by a Spaniard’s name instead of living a life of ridicule and loneliness, instead taking the dramatic turn. A vampire, and then an actor.

Ben Daniels as Santiago – Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC
Louis is able to bait him by calling out to him, after driving him out of hiding in the sewers. As soon as he rises in the air, he is beheaded by the machete.
“Say that shit about Claudia again to my face.” Louis darkly threatens and promptly kicks Santiago’s head across the cobblestones. Moments earlier, Santiago speaks how he uses Claudia’s ashes as eye makeup, or to squeeze in his fists and spit in them.
In another lover’s quarrel, Daniel unravels the mysterious answer to the love triangle, finding the truth in black and white. It was Lestat (Sam Reid) who forced the crowd to utter the word ‘banishment’, not Armand. In one of the night’s first shocking twists, the two break up after Armand and Louis get in a physical altercation.
A hurricane is coming, and he signs a waiver to survive the night in a fancy hotel.
Louis takes a walk along New Orleans, reliving its old history as he feigns being a tourist in a baseball cap with other onlookers. Out of the corner of his eye, he spies a fledgling vampire who is running after rats. This seems a little too familiar.

Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac – Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC
Coming upon an old building, he finds Lestat in the corner, playing a piece of drawn in wood as if a piano. Lestat sends the fledgling away and jokes that he is taking his music career on tour. (Queen of the Damned).
Louis realizes now that it was Lestat who saved him, and not Armand.
Decades earlier, he remarked how Lestat looked so small cowering in Magnus (his maker’s) lair and purposely tried to hurt him by kissing Armand in his presence.
Lestat spoke of how he had the blood of Akasha in his veins, which alludes to Queen of the Damned. While the movie was panned by critics and even the book’s author Anne Rice, the late Aaliyah starred as Akasha and was met with rave reviews, as well as she left a lasting impression as The Mother to All Vampires.
In a sad reunion, now with Armand out of the picture, the two fathers weep over Claudia’s death. Lestat speaks of how she looked at him while she was dying, as if a child would a father.
The two are clearly being haunted by her death, and ultimately they forgive each other as grieving parents and embrace.
With Louis back in his own penthouse, Claudia’s yellow dress hangs up gracefully and clean on a wall. He took it earlier before he burned the theatre down, along with her diaries and things from her small dressing room table.
Daniel Molloy in all of his sunglasses Howard Stern glory is sitting on television talking about his book to a less than kind on-air journalist. It gets heated when he states that it is a true story, not a work of fiction and promptly calls the host a hack and leaves.
Later, Daniel is on a cell phone speaking to Louis to tell him to get out of dodge before the hurricane hits, all while following his own snack. A human. He takes off his sunglasses to reveal that yes, Daniel himself is a vampire.
With the looming threat of every vampire in the vicinity angry about their sacred rules being broken, Louis calls out to them among their loud thoughts and proclaims–
See you for season three!

About the author: Katie Harden is a professionally repped New York-based/bi-coastal musical theater, entertainment journalist, and indie film actress. She is proudly part of the Actor’s Equity Association and frequently interviews colleagues, friends, and celebrities, along with reviewing television and movies. Find her at the bottom of a can of Arizona sweet tea or in the ocean!
Work: AMC, Tribeca, Showtime, HBO, The Emmy’s, The Walking Dead magazine, MGM, Universal, Sony Screen Gems, 492 Elm, Bloody Disgusting, and more.